No, you don’t have to be an expert to be a thought leader

What makes someone an expert?

Is it a Master’s Degree?
A PhD?
A certain amount of experience?
Overcoming certain obstacles, or making certain contributions to your field? 

At times, the bar can feel significantly lower thanks to social media. And, yet, I know too many leaders – people with stellar credentials and experience – that don’t feel qualified enough to add their voice to the mix

Listen: There’s always going to be somebody who knows more or has more degrees or more years of experience. 

Here’s the thing: Their accomplishments don’t take away from yours.

Your unique voice is needed.

Holding back because you want to get it perfectly right is only keeping you from connecting with the people who want and need to hear from you. It’s also locking you out of opportunities that could be really good for you and your business.  

Here’s what I often say when I see a leader stuck in the “what if” cycle: You can’t get it right for everyone. You might not even get it all right for you. 

When you accept this reality, you can release yourself of the pressure to get it perfect. And, in turn, you’re free to show up more authentically and more human. 

Remember: If you’re trying to make it perfect, you’ll never get it done.

Getting stuck in perfectionism actually makes us miss out on a LOT of opportunities. 

For example – a client kept tweaking an insights paper we were developing. The topic was novel for her field and her insights were fresh and interesting. For a few weeks, we went back and forth on whether we should move one section before the other, or if we should revisit the opening letter or if this point or another needed further consideration.

We could have continued like that for weeks or months more trying to get it to 100% perfect. OR (as we did) we could released the paper at 85% perfection and start engaging new prospects in real conversations that led to new work.

Show up with confidence and authenticity and you can’t lose.

Talk about your values and why they’re important to you and your company. 

Use your curiosity to open up deeper conversations about ideas that aren’t fully formed yet.

Intentionally contradict a previous idea or perspective with a new learning or evolved thinking. 

By doing these things you’ll be able to build a relationship with your audience. In turn, your audience will WANT to hear from you. 

Because, as I’ve said (many) times before: People don’t buy from logos – they buy from people.

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