Stop wasting content: 6 ways to repurpose your hard work

We are big fans of the slow cooker. One big pot of chili, seasoned to perfection and bursting with rich flavours after sizzling away for an afternoon. Eat it fresh, store some portions for lunch and even freeze it for another week. This is the good stuff – and the good stuff lasts.

At Jack, we believe your content should always be that good. High-quality content takes time, planning, research and effort – but you can use that content over and over again. That is where the payoff is.

Why recycle your content?

If you plan out your content with a detailed editorial calendar and a thoughtful strategy, you’ll find that your hard work will pay dividends. You can build out themes, weave a narrative across multiple channels and have evergreen content that authentically promotes your business and its values. 

Plus, repetition is key. The exposure effect helps your brand find a cozy little spot in your stakeholder’s mind to sit and permeate. This results in loyal, trusted business for your brand. Tell your story over and over in many different ways. Now this doesn’t mean you can just copy and paste. You’ll have to find different angles, details and timely hooks to pull it off. You can do this and we can help.

Here’s how

Here are some ideas for reusing your content:

  1. Turn a podcast into a blog or two or more. Your podcast goes deep, so pick a few stand-out themes that represent your brand well and write about it. 
  2. Turn a blog into social posts. These posts are your chance to use visuals and interactive content to draw people in. Try a carousel or infographic. These are great scroll-stoppers.
  3. Videos are excellent attention grabbers. The best part is that you can keep them short, meaning you only need a few key points from your original content to showcase. They also leave your audience wanting more, so link back to your blog or website.
  4. Compile your content and send out a newsletter. Email marketing is direct and effective because your audience already knows you. It’s also the perfect way to reinforce your narrative and package your content based on themes. 
  5. Wait a little – then share your blog again. Be sure to change up how you promote it by finding a new hook or adding a valuable social asset.
  6. Ask your colleagues to also promote your content on their own socials based on their points of view. You’ll build your following and generate new leads.

Need help with your content?

There are so many benefits to slow cooking your content You’ll get high-quality copy you can use in a variety of ways. This will amplify your voice across multiple channels. If you need help developing a content strategy or writing content, we’re here to help. Let’s chat.

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